Khutbah Assessment:


English Eloquence 

Arabic Eloquence

Authentication and Citation

Diversifying resources

Frequency of referring to Verses Or Authentic Hadiths

Coherence of Parts

Clarity of the Theme

Coverage of the theme


Commitment to time

Arrive and start at time

Following Sunna in introduction, conclusion, and Dua’a


Elements of Good Speech (Source #1)


·         Structure

·         Preparation

·         Creativity

·         Body Language

·         A “Call To Action”

·         An attention grabbing opening

·         Brevity

·         Not a speech but more a conversation with the audience

·         Personal Stories

·         Props & Imagery

·         Performance

·         Impeccable grammar

·         Your speech must have a message

·         Impact

·         Engaging the audience

·         Humor

·         Inspiration

·         Conviction

·         Relevance

·         Credibility

·         Clarity

·         Passion

·         Relevance

·         Interaction

·         Memorability.

·         Practice beforehand

·         Don-t read your speech

·         Keep it simple

·         Keep it short

·         Use body language that makes you appear comfortable

·         Slow down

·         Be Prepared

·         Give of Yourself

·         Stay Relaxed

·         Use Natural Humor.

·         Plan Your Body & Hand Positions

·         Pay attention to all details




·         PITCH

·         POWER


·         TEMPO

·         STAGING


Elements of Good Speech (Source #2)


1.      Structure

2.      Preparation

3.      Creativity

4.      Body Language

5.      A “Call To Action”

6.      An attention grabbing opening

7.      Brevity

8.      Not a speech but more a conversation with the audience

9.      Personal Stories

10. Props & Imagery

11. Performance

12. Impeccable grammar

13. Your speech must have a message

14. Impact

15. Engaging the audience

16. Humor

17. Inspiration

18. Conviction

19. Relevance

20. Credibility

And while these are great ideas, some of these don’t have to be present for a speech to be great. We can have an amazing speech where the speaker captures the imaginations of the audience with only their voice, never needing body language or props. Some of the most moving orations have never been prepared and not every speech needs a call to action.



Elements of Good Speech (Source #3)


For a perfect speech we need to find the elements that are always present, elements that feel logical and natural, elements that will ensure that your message is heard and understood. Taking all this into account, the five elements of a perfect speech are:

1.      Clarity – your message must be clear and simple

2.      Passion – if you’re not excited by your topic, then why should your audience be?

3.      Relevance – If it’s not relevant, then why I should listen to you? Always make sure that you can make your topic relevant and interesting for your audience.

4.      Interaction – we know from school that no-one really hears anything by sitting passively listening to a voice at the front of the room, we need interaction, we need it to be two-way communication, we need to be engaged.

5.      Memorability – you could give a great presentation but if your audience can’t remember your message then you’ve wasted your time, you need to make your message stick.



Elements of Good Speech (Source #4)


Practice beforehand

You would do better practicing in the shower, and running through the speech in your head, than practicing in front of a mirror, which is distracting, says Jane Praeger. You do have to practice out loud, hopefully with a small audience. Practice replacing deadening filler words like um, so, and like with silence. If you can rehearse in the space where you-ll be speaking, that-s a real plus. Go to the back of the room, imagine that you’re deaf or distracted, and you’ll know how to reach those people.

Don-t read your speech

Tell your speech from heart, or use a note card with bullet points as a cheat sheet. Bring the card with you and place it on the lectern. If you freeze up mid-speech, you can take a deep breath, look at your card, and know exactly what story you-re going to tell next.

Keep it simple

Forget fancy PowerPoint presentations and loads of data. Focus on one theme and eliminate everything else. Speeches are an inefficient form of communication, says Morgan. People don-t remember much of what they hear, so focus and keep it simple. The best speeches include one clear, relevant message and a few great stories to illustrate that message.

Keep it short

I think a speech should not be more than ten minutes long, says Praeger. Five to seven minutes is ideal. If you-re aiming for seven minutes, your prepared speech should run shorter than that so that you can factor in extra time for pauses and audience responses.

Use body language that makes you appear comfortable

If you show signs of nervousness, like crossing your arms, or clutching your hands in front of your stomach, your audience will sense your nerves and be less open to your message. “You have to pretend that you’re having a good time and are open to the audience so that they can have a good time and be open back to you,” says Morgan. “Successful public speaking is all about passion and emotion. If you’re excited, then we will be, too.”

Slow down

Articulate your words, regardless of your natural speaking style. “Authenticity is key,” says Praeger. “You can’t be someone you’re not. On the other hand, you can be your best self. Softness doesn’t detract from a speech if you’re committed to what you’re saying. Passion, commitment and conviction are critical for delivery, and you can do that whether you’re soft-spoken or not. Any number of delivery styles will work.”

Be Prepared - Being prepared is by far the most important element. How many times do you practice your speech? As a general rule, you should spend about 30 hours of preparation and rehearsal time for every hour you will be speaking. Use a tape recorder or videotape yourself. This will help you to get an accurate picture of how you speak.

Give of Yourself - Use personal examples and stories in your speech whenever possible. Make sure your stories help to emphasize or support your point. The stories must match your message. Use examples from your personal and professional life to make your point. In either case be willing to give of yourself by sharing some of yourself with the audience.

Stay Relaxed - To stay relaxed you should be prepared. Also, focus on your message and not the audience. Use gestures, including walking patterns. Practice the opening of your speech and plan exactly how you will say it. The audience will judge you in the first 30 seconds they see you.

Use Natural Humor - Don't try to be a standup comedian. Use natural humor by poking fun at yourself and something you said or did. Be sure NOT to make fun of anyone in the audience. People will laugh with you when you poke fun at yourself but don't overdo it.

Plan Your Body & Hand Positions - During the practice of your speech look for occasions where you can use a gesture. Establish three positions where you will stand and practice not only how to move to them but where in your speech do you move. Pick three positions, one on center stage, one to your right, and one to your left. Do not hide behind the lectern. When you do move maintain eye contact with the audience.

Pay attention to all details - Make sure you have the right location (school, hotel, room & time). Make sure you know how to get to where you are speaking. Ask how large an audience you will be speaking to. Make sure you bring all your visual aids and plenty of handouts. Arrive early so you can check out where you will be speaking and make any last minute adjustments.


• The ability to combine successfully the light, medium, and dark voices in the choir (using these groups for their natural basic sounds and/or combining them for special effects).

• The ability to communicate, through voice, reactions to thoughts or emotions.


• The ability to add or subtract whole sections, banks, smaller groups, or solo speakers to increase or diminish the power or richness of the sound to better express the meaning.


• Ability to use gesture, choreography, or other movement to enhance communication and better express meaning.


• Pitch refers to the variations of the voice on the musical scale and is generally referred to as inflection. Children generally have little problem with pitch because they use it naturally and freely.


• Ability to use volume, force, or loudness as emphasis in appropriate places to better express feeling and meaning. A power build should be related to the elements of a sentence and/or growing emotion.


• Ability to use phrasing and rhythm as reinforcements for each other. Each must blend together to better express the meaning of the verse.


• Tempo refers to the rate of speed at which a reading progresses. The ability to balance the rhythm of a piece and the tempo of performance. Tempo should relate to the central "beat" of the poem. (Too fast? Too slow?)


• The ability to successfully organize and position the choir on stage or risers for miximwn performance effect. The ability to stage entrances and exits which enhance the mood of the poem and performance. The ability to "costume" speakers in a way which also enhances the performance as a whole.